Directed by Heidi Duckler
@ The Wende Museum (2019)
What Remains is a new work created for the Wende Museum garden that focuses on the dual stories of Orpheus and Eurydice as imagined by the poet Ranier Maria Rilke, under surveillance by the Stasi police as depicted in the short story “What Remains” published in German in 1990 by Christa Wolf. Both movement and opera emanate from the female perspective and examine the notion of memory, the idea of forgetting and the struggle for individuality.
Process Sketch
Creative Team
Choreography & Direction Heidi Duckler
Dance Joshua “Snubb” Dudley, Nicole Flores
Santiago Villarreal, Himerria Wortham
Composer Leaha Maria Villarreal, Sarah Belle Reid,
Justin Scheid
Set Design Jinyoung Sung
Lighting Design Grant Dunn
Costume Design Mimi Haddon
Photos by Jayden Becker, Rush Varela, Jinyoung Sung